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The CrazyFitnessGuy® Show

Paul Quinton

Paul Quinton Profile Photo

My goal is to assist human beings to realise their universal potential by accessing multidimensional aspects of their own consciousness. How to heal themselves, to take back sovereignty of their own minds and bodies in a world full of misinformation. I have an internationally recognised modality and my literary agent is securing my first publisher deal, to give me a creditable platform to take my modality worldwide. I'm easy to talk to, I don't partake in new age lingo, I'm straight to the point with 'valid' channeling skills that provide real information that is always in assistance to another human being.
I grew up in a spiritual/psychic family. I’ve been involved in the esoteric all my life, which has allowed me to fulfil my souls contract as a healer teacher channel and writer. I have a patented new modality insured in 35 countries, which will be accompanied by the release of my channeled books through spirits voice assisting humanity, making our shift into the new Earths golden age, as the renaissance of consciousness establishes itself. I assist souls to assist themselves. Transforming human conditioning.
Being trained in numerous healing modalities has assisted me to bring through the Alignment Modality© However, my greatest teacher has been Spirit. They have provided me priceless information, knowledge and awareness of the world we live in. One of my greatest gifts is being able to channel, speaking with spirit via my soul. Through this ‘downloading’ process I have learnt much of what I teach.